Other map collections or general subway sites:
List of Rapid Transit Systems on Wikipedia - with links to individual network descriptions
New York City Subway Resources - great maps and the best information on American subways
CityRailways.com - everything about metros in Italy
Transit Maps - interesting blog about mapping issues
Ferrocarta - railway and urban rail maps (USA, Canada, France, Brazil)
Sinfin - Link list of all railways (incl. urban rail) around the world by countries, by Glyn Williams
Metro Route Atlas by Andrew Fan (More urban rail maps for North & South America)
World Tramways by G. Sandi
Bits & pieces about metros and subways, trams and
Metro Bits by Michael Rohde incl. metro logos, metros with a view, ....
Metro tokens, coins & banknotes - A compilation in PDF by Norbert R. [nore21@web.de]
Metro stamps - A compilation in PDF by Norbert R. [nore21@web.de]
Monorail Society - monorail systems around the world (Monorail Society)
Subway and Light Rail Forum at SkyscraperPage Forum
RailServe - The International Railroad Directory
Bahnsuche.de - Die Suchmaschine für die große Eisenbahn und Modelleisenbahn
Railfan-Europe - a large picture gallery with all sorts of trains incl. metros and trams
Bahnbilder - Rail Images as screen savers & Rail Simulators etc.
The Electric Railway Society (UK)
The ALWEG Archives - Monorail History
Transportation History: The Trolley, Tram and Streetcar
World Rail Network - Database including all transit systems with maps and essential data
Videos - cab rides & line portraits of virtually all tram & metro lines worldwide (by Volker Wangemann)
Metro and tramway magazines:
Railway Gazette International (U.K.) - incl. Metro Report
Tramways & Urban Transit by LRTA (U.K.)
Stadtverkehr (Germany)
Straßenbahn-Magazin (Germany)
Blickpunkt Straßenbahn (Germany)
Tram (Switzerland)
Tram2000 (Belgium)
La Vie du Rail feat. Ville & Transports (France)
Vía Libre (Spain)
CityRailways (Italy)
Headlights (USA)
Mass Transit Magazine (USA)
Ceskoslovensky Dopravak (Czech news portal)
Transport Publiczny (Polish news portal)
Associations and official websites:
Alamys.org - Association of Latin American, Spanish & Portuguese Metros and Subways
UITP - International Association of Public Transport
EMTA - Association of European Metropolitan Transport Authorities
APTA - American Public Transportation Association
LRTA - Light Rail Transit Association (UK)
VDV - Verband Deutscher Verkehrsunternehmen (Germany)
2006 © UrbanRail.Net by Robert Schwandl